Transportation Director Puts Safety of Students First
What type of traffic conditions do you consider safe for students to walk through each day to get to school? Rob Doss, Director of Transportation for the Escambia County School District in Florida, believes the current law is “woefully inadequate” and puts the safety of many students in danger.
Doss would like for the state to redefine what constitutes hazardous walking conditions and has even written his own bill that redefines the terms. There are no restrictions for middle and high school students, as the current law only applies to elementary students, and few parents would consider the standards safe. As it stands now, the school district does not receive funding from the state for transporting the students that don’t meet the state’s criteria. But Doss is not willing to put these children in danger and picks them up anyway, forcing the school district to foot the bill for these students.
From drawing up and submitting his own bill to legislature to picking up the roughly 6,500 “ineligible riders” each day, Doss is doing what it takes to keep our students safe.
Read the full article in the Pensacola News Journal here.
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