STS Highlights March 2020
STS Highlights: March 2020
Break out the allergy medicine, Spring is here! I sincerely hope you are starting to see some warmer weather as we leave Winter behind. I’ve mixed this month’s resources with some extremely topical news and tips for coronavirus. View, use, and share these resources. My goal is to elevate your organization. Please FORWARD this email to anyone who could benefit from the content. As always, we take pride in helping you meet your training requirements and goals.
All the best,
Behavior Management Techniques
With the increase of children identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder, consider these behavior management techniques for those who ride the school bus.
School Bus Danger Zones Flyer Graphic
See the safest and the most dangerous zones when using the school bus.
Recognizing the Warning Signs of Bullying Video
STS illustrates bullying warning signs that are both physically visible and not so apparent.
Commitment to Safety Article
“It will never happen to me.” This statement is often thought or said by many when an emergency situation occurs.
Coronavirus 2019
These resources are specifically related to the spread of Coronavirus. This information is subject to change as more is discovered about the particular strain.
Wash Your Hands
CDC Info
WHO Info
WHO Video
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