Steve Gilliland – Enjoy the Ride
Bestselling author and dynamic motivational speaker Steve Gilliland’s philosophy centers on the simple premise that true success is not a thing you acquire or achieve. Rather, it is a journey you take throughout your life. He is one of the most in-demand and top-rated speakers in the world and was inducted into the National Speakers Association (NSA) Speaker Hall of Fame in 2012. This is an honor bestowed on fewer than 200 speakers worldwide since 1977.
Steve Gilliland is one of many featured speakers at the 2014 Annual NAPT Summit: Driving Innovation. It is said that anyone who experiences his message leaves with a renewed since of enthusiasm!
Will you be there?
The annual NAPT Conference and Trade Show is consistently recognized as the premier school transportation conference in the nation. Expect over 3-dozen different workshops on an array of important topics. See the newest products and latest technology in pupil transportation! Choose from more than a dozen courses from the NAPT Professional Development Series.
There is a lot to do at this year’s summit. If you have scheduling conflicts, consider the online PDS courses!
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