STS Highlights: July YEAR
Summer = HEAT. Heat-related illness is a big issue for the next few months, but there are ways to prevent it if you can recognize the symptoms.
With children out of school, it is even more important to be aware of your surroundings while driving and safely share the road with pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcycles, school buses, and other automobiles. Enjoy and use this month’s resources, but make the best of your Summer!
The goal with these monthly resources is always to convey a few public service announcements (PSAs) and to help elevate your career, department, or organization. As always, we take pride in helping you meet your training needs and goals.
Enjoy the summer break,
Hazmat (H) Endorsement – ELDT – Theory Curriculum
Any driver currently holding a valid CDL can obtain a Hazardous Materials (H) endorsement upon successful completion of THEORY training and an H (endorsement) knowledge test. This Smart Horizons curriculum track satisfies the THEORY training requirement. This is our most popular ELDT curriculum track!
Hazmat (H) Endorsement
All ELDT Theory
WV Users – You Have Access to Additional Training
We’ve had a lot of questions recently about access to additional Continuing Education courses. Every WV user with an active training/testing account has access to an entire catalog of training, in addition to the WV specific courses. These courses can be accessed by logging in and navigating to the “Find More Training” tab.
Look at the Courses
Assessing Emergency Preparedness
The harsh reality is that emergency situations do occur, and you never know when or what might happen. The pupil transportation industry has an impressive safety record because of a constant commitment to safety, training, and preparedness. This resource provides simple tools and information to further fortify the prepared mindset.
Assessing Preparedness
CDL Preparation & Refresher for School Bus Drivers
Like most of our online courses, this package can be used for inservice or remediation training. It is a stand-alone curriculum that includes a comprehensive final test. This course is NOT Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT).
Enroll Drivers
NAPT Online PDS & Certification Courses
Over the years nearly 2000 school bus drivers have taken more than 12,000 NAPT online courses! NAPT PDS online classes are used for certification, recertification, inservice, and general professional development. Each course is self-paced, and can be completed when and where it is convenient, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Online PDS
NAPT ACTS! – Conference & Trade Show
Discover the benefits of investing in your attendance to NAPT ACTS, both for yourself and potentially for your colleagues. Join us October 4-8 in Oklahoma City!
Conference Website
Pretty Darn Interesting: Five Facts About the Portuguese Man-of-War
One of the most popular summer vacations is a trip to the beach. Sun and sand are very common, but sometimes you may encounter the dreaded Portuguese man-of-war. How much do you know about these sea creatures? The Florida Museum of Natural History has some answers.
Five Facts: Portuguese Man-of-War